Glosbe – back to basics!
Ok, here’s the thing.. I often use tools like chatGPT or Google Translate during this learning journey. And they have their strong points, no doubt about it. But, […]
Anki – a tool for rehearsing with flashcards
When learning languages, or anything else that requires rote learning and memorisation, using flashcards is a tried and tested method. Flashcards are quite simple, they are simply, well, […]
Tip of the week – Ukrainian Lessons Podcast
Todays tip is about the podcast Ukrainian Lessons Podcast. It’s a long series of 240 lessons spread over 6 seasons. It starts from a very introductory level in […]
Ukrainian is a melodic language
One thing I’ve discovered is that the Ukrainian language is very deep and rich, and very suitable for music and melodies. There is much to say about this, […]