It is the time everyone (ok, well maybe not EVERYONE, but still) have been waiting for. The reveal of the top position of my list ot top 12 Ukrainian words. But first some words on how I came up with this list.
The idea started when I collected words I liked for various reasons. Often it was based in my spontaneous reaction when I first learned about the word. Then I started to think about ranking the words, and make a blog series about it. I looked around for different ways to rank lists of things, and found a method where you are shown two words at a time, and you just select “which one do you like the most”. All different combinations are shown, and then the ranking is based on how many “victories” each word gets. From that I got the list that have been posted here.
Places 12 – 2
Let’s first post a reminder of what the list have looked like so far.
- 12 – пісня (song)
- 11 – весна (spring)
- 10 – зелений (green)
- 09 – червоний (red)
- 08 – зима́ (winter)
- 07 – озеро (lake)
- 06 – мрія (dream)
- 05 – зірка (star)
- 04 – серце (heart)
- 03 – долина (valley
- 02 – надія (hope)
..and the winner is….
I must admit, the winner was picked because of how I first encountered it, in a Ukrainian/polish folk song. And it is also the first word where I picked the plural of the word as the primary contestant.
соколи – Falcons
Yes, the word is соколи (sokoly), which is the word for falcons. I also appreciate the singular form, сокіл (sokil), but for me the plural form has a certain ring to it!
So, there you have it, my 12 favourite words in Ukrainian so far.